We have 2 great ways to get cheesecake!

Order online. This is a custom, made-to-order item available on our online store, see all current options below. All online orders need to be placed around 4-5 days ahead of time. Your pick-up dates and times are available at the checkout screen.

Drive-Thru. At our location in Lakefield, there is a convenient drive-thru window open during our business hours listed below! No pre-order is required for the drive-thru, on-hand items. 👇👇👇

Drive-thru Hours: Tues -Fri: 8am-2pm
Please follow us on Facebook for giveaways and product updates for our drive-thru experience!

When ordering…
Please choose from the available pickup dates at checkout. Cheesecake keeps in the refrigerator for 7-10 days and can then be moved to the freezer.